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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

My mom needs prayer she is calling me nuts, even though hey my family had a gaping portal to hell complete with a man reaching through the portal trying to grab my brother and sisters friends or least one grab attempt was made...............................

My mom needs prayer she is calling me nuts, even though hey my family had a gaping portal to hell complete with a man reaching through the portal trying to grab my brother and sisters friends or least one grab attempt was made...............................
I ain't crazy for one and my mom is calling me crazy. 
I'm either telling you all the truth or I've been like "The Exorcist" movie level possessed foaming at the mouth bad flying on the ceiling for a real long time now and nobody in my life has cared.

let's all look at the word support cause she says she loves me and is being supportive whilst e-mailing me...........
"If the shoe fits..wear it! You need help...and I'm sick of your refusing to go to the dr. You don't like it. Tough. It's the truth."

supportive adjective (ENCOURAGING)

giving encouragement and approval:
supportive teachers

supportive adjective (HELPING)

actively giving help to someone who needs it:
network of supportive agencies and organizations

thumbs up lucifer
jesus is lord I love jesus ya
but you can't get enough excorcists on me
bath me in holy water in recite stuffs til the return of lucifer
you will not get me
to be like 
"oh satan he's so horrible..........blah blah blah" you know the typical stuff christians say

truelly when I get low I get high
I guess cause when your low you love more people? probably, that's what I'm going with - yep
I love my mom but she ain't supportive, she still claims she is even after reading this blog post, but I think she is surely missing the dictionary definition of supportive. But she wasn't a english minor in college - I was. (I'm saying I might be better at reading dictionaries then most people)

Update: my mom might be "on board" now
 and actually supportive now 👍
(I keeping this blog post though on my blog cause it's extremely relevant, especially if you read my "comment" on this here blog post to get the """""""""whole picture"""""""""""") Ya there are bad witches, and there are bad devil worshippers, but in my estimation THERE'S ALSO SOME PRETTY ALRIGHT ONES OUT THERE. 
It was horrible the "salem witch trails" of machechusetts, horrible - that wasn't love burning the witches, that wasn't christians loving them witches. And salem witchtrails needs to never be forgotten ------------- that is the sort of thing that happens when you BLACKBALL A ENTIRE GROUP OF PEOPLE!
Truth: there are good witches out there nice nice enough
good satan worshippers out there there are
good all over the place
Heck in the bible bible clean says..........................
Acts 19:19 "Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver." People are "that" different today then in Acts 19:19 if pastors done preached it good and people done loved each other enough like we's supposed to! I believe we could see a Acts 19:19 book burning time even these days.........................I'd rather we see that happen then another salem machechusetts
boo to anybody that wants to burn witches boo 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎


Giving it to god said...

Just because my ideas about lucifer aren't the norm and I may very well be a "natural witch" not the type headed to hell as I said I wear and collect rocks I don't have magic books I don't do "spells". I can have a "different opinion" then the masses of witches, and of lucifer and of satan worshippers for that matter..............and my opinion of them one in appreciation of them, and in their favour don't mean I'm nuts. --------------- I not crazy. That what I sayin. (if I ain't tellin the truth then I was/am potentially possessed mega super bad...................but not nuts even then THERE'S MANY SANE POSSESSED PEOPLE OUT THERE #FACTS)

Giving it to god said...

update ----- no longer wearing "opals", I personally am fully forsaking, wicca, and witchcraft both. I'm after God's blessing in my life much. Paul he said he forsakes.............
Philippians 3
4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:

5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;

6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
A big part of following jesus for me, is forsaking all the things I was, like paul also I estimate near perfect at times heeding the law I FORSAKE THAT, forsake being a witch, witchcraft and wicca.

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