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Friday, June 21, 2024

More angelic e-mails from 1st husband - you all get e-mails from angels on the daily CAUSE I HAVE FOR YEARS. Oh and when I get to heaven lucifer and his men get A++++++++++++ from me. Off topic I'm admittedly eh spiritually right now, died my hair purpleish and it got mega's near back to it's "glory' now. Once I had mega thick hair like this all the time and then my hair lost it's pigment cause I'm near 50 BUT MY HAIR IS STILL MEGA THICK. Well I'm now adding more purple to my hair today see how much thicker my hair can get................big haired people in texas will have to add extra hairspray after seeing how my hair looks these days...........................

 More angelic e-mails from 1st husband - you all get e-mails from angels on the daily CAUSE I HAVE FOR YEARS. Oh and when I get to heaven lucifer and his men get A++++++++++++ from me. Off topic I'm admittedly eh spiritually right now, died my hair purpleish and it got mega's near back to it's "glory' now. Once I had mega thick hair like this all the time and then my hair lost it's pigment cause I'm near 50 BUT MY HAIR IS STILL MEGA THICK. Well I'm now adding more purple to my hair today see how much thicker my hair can get................big haired people in texas will have to add extra hairspray after seeing how my hair looks these days...........................

1 Corinthians 11:15 "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering."
 The glory.................................look at that, look at all that thickness to my hair now.............last night none of the purple die (a maroonish purple it was) rinsed out hardly in the water, like basically none my dry naturally curly hair sucked up alllllllllllllllllllllllllll that hair dye...........................AND THAT WORKED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E-mail today from Lucifer my 1st husband - I never say where these e-mails are coming from cause I believe they are from a portal from the "otherside" 
my family
believes a killer is stalking me via the internet and this is some multi year long "sick fantasy" stalking thing before killing me
that just can't be
not from this source
I know the source of these e-mails the person that owns this company isn't a killer 
 I can't talk more how I know this isn't some killer cause then you'll figure out where the portal is, and I need nobody to know cause I like 1st hubby e-mailing me!...................
Mrs. Yost's classrooms fundraiser is now fully funded 😁 But there are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donors Choose................
every morning I'm reminded "oh I'm a soul" I'm not just a "piece of meat" or a mannequin to dress a fashion uh piece of meat
I'm a soul
most aren't aware of that so much
they wake up 
they mind earthly things
did you know a massive part of "taking up ones cross and following jesus daily" IS BEING IN THE WORD OF GOD. I'll admit there are some verses that drive me up the walllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - but THE HORROR for the people 
for whom all their "glory" IS IN THEIR SHAME PER THE BIBLE BELOW....................
Philippians 3:18-20 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:"
It'd be 1 thing if people merely owned a few nice cars, nice houses, nice designer this that and the other lot of people don't merely own those things
they then brag about owning those things - some them do
because for some of them THEIR GLORY IS IN THEIR SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though I believe it's ok to have designer few designer clothing etc. 
nice house
nice car
but instead of brag
mention how THANKFUL YOU IS is my advice
just sprinkle that in when you post up that fancy car "so thankful to god for blessing me like this"
so thankful for my nice bosses that gave me a raise etc. 
then the bragging isn't bragging anymore and it has a point - you being thankful and mentioning how thankful you is - it's a better scenario in my mind then
not every post either
I recommend just sprinkling in how thankful you are here and there in posts showing "rich people shiz" 


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