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Saturday, June 1, 2024

STAY BACK CRAZY CHRISITANS STAY BACK I'M MOSTLY NATIVE AMERICAN AND ACCORDING TO MY DAD HE'S A WHITE FINLAND MAN (per the child his ex-wife got pregnant with and gave birth to when his ex-wife was cheating on him's generic DNA test the one I saw with my eyeballs). I'm now being basically promised I am about to be kidnapped. I mean is this enough to call the cops???????????? I dont like this, I don't actually like this e-mail at know this could be a christian A CRAZED MANIAC CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maybe when I signed up on this e-mail list they got enough info to get my address and this company is owned by a crazy Christian cause most the world is crazy Christians and they want to kidnap jews to israel AKA THE DUMP THAT LIKES TO KILL MUSLIMS I DON'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LIKE INNOCENT GAZA CIVILIANS BEING KILLED).....................................................

Dear kidnapping out of your minds "for jesus" crazy a-- christians, I look thin, but I weigh a lot and I have "instant whack you unconscious reflexes"....................

I will what you so hard out of your mind if you try and grab me, you will be knocked the f out. Real quick. I look skinnier in the pic above, bet you, bet you I still weight 240lbs, cause I never loose weight I just get buffer. That's how I get fat sometimes, cause I assume I'm always the same buff - but I'm not. 

240 lbs above pry more of muscle hulk whack you unconscious or dead instantly if you lay hands on me INSTANT REFLEX WHACK DEAD WHACK DEAD

Jeremiah 16:15-17 "But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers. Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes."

STAY BACK CRAZY CHRISITANS STAY BACK I'M MOSTLY NATIVE AMERICAN AND ACCORDING TO MY DAD HE'S A WHITE FINLAND MAN (per the child his ex-wife got pregnant with and gave birth to when his ex-wife was cheating on him's generic DNA test the one I saw with my eyeballs).  I'm now being basically promised I am about to be kidnapped. I mean is this enough to call the cops???????????? I dont like this, I don't actually like this e-mail at know this could be a christian A CRAZED MANIAC CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maybe when I signed up on this e-mail list they got enough info to get my address and this company is owned by a crazy Christian cause most the world is crazy Christians and they want to kidnap jews to israel AKA THE DUMP THAT LIKES TO KILL MUSLIMS I DON'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LIKE INNOCENT GAZA CIVILIANS BEING KILLED).....................................................

this whole thing has taken a turn for the worst

and who am I going to tell?

cause everyone probably thinks I'm a jew and they want to kidnap me CAUSE CHRISTIANS HAVE LOST THEIR MINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDS

Kidnapping me 
the prospects of that boooooooooooooooooooooo
if the person sending me these e-mails tries to kidnap me for jesus
mace won't stop me
chlorophil you try and use that
you don't even knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
tranquilizers won't work on me

I ain't just been bodybuilding
I'm in full "beast mode"

one day I was bit good BY A WATER MOCASIN SNAKE
faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from a hospital and that was me in high school not in "beast mode" - never even went to a doctor about it - LIVED. 
(did feel queesy for good 15 minutes after being bitted)
I did this to myself recently.....................
cause sometimes I get "the pump" so bad
this bracelet wasn't fitting me good, ya super thick steel ya.............
I just start bending it like it's noooooooothing, so that it "custom fits" my wrist
ahhhhhhhhhh I'm "play acting" by saying I don't know how to get this bent back open
I do
it's cake nothing for me

don't read..................
look look
if anti christ is sending someone to get me or coming to get me himself
I'll help you ok
cause you ain't gettin 0% anywhere on this earth promise you that without my help
not because of who I am on this earth
but because of who I am NOT on this earth
lucifer probably told you that by now
bestest you come and get me
since I had a vision of you one day and I know what you look like
I'm letting you know
..............I will need a gym membership
and I eat lately a very much "bodybuilding freaking monster sytle diet"
I'm letting you know. 
I need gym equipment as well
I need free weights
some sort of ab machine
a treadmill of some sort ON TOP OF A GYM MEMBERSHIP
both my parents got diabetites
and you wouldn't want me to have the diabeties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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