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Monday, June 3, 2024

And f the flesh, f the flesh, it's about the "love and the loyalty" 333..........................lucifer is the only person that I shook a hand with and I KNOW HE'S KEEPING HIS WORD.................this world is so haters are looking stupid to, your looking stupid while I fund classrooms speak well of God/Jesus, Lucifer and his men - while I doin that you hating you hating and attacking me every once in awhile for jesus trying to get me to kill myself you potentially "jew hating" don't know if I'm a jew my grandpa said I was in 8th grade my family says I ain't........all my family knows about them phone calls in the 8th grade to grandpa to - ALL HATE IS BAD YOU HATING CHEAP BISHES.........(and if you donate tons of money all the time to charities and love god jesus and or lucifer and his men and have some "love and loyalty" to you. I AIN'T TALKIN BOUT YOU THEN SO DON'T BE MAD mad how hated I am FOR HAVING SOME LOYALTY - cause that's ridiculous)............................

And f the flesh, f the flesh, it's about the "love and the loyalty" 333..........................lucifer is the only person that I shook a hand with and I KNOW HE'S KEEPING HIS WORD.................this world is so haters are looking stupid to, your looking stupid while I fund classrooms speak well of God/Jesus, Lucifer and his men - while I doin that you hating you hating and attacking me every once in awhile for jesus trying to get me to kill myself you potentially "jew hating" don't know if I'm a jew my grandpa said I was in 8th grade my family says I ain't........all my family knows about them phone calls in the 8th grade to grandpa to - ALL HATE IS BAD YOU HATING CHEAP BISHES.........(and if you donate tons of money all the time to charities and love god jesus and or lucifer and his men and have some "love and loyalty" to you. I AIN'T TALKIN BOUT YOU THEN SO DON'T BE MAD mad how hated I am FOR HAVING SOME LOYALTY - cause that's ridiculous)............................

most don't even fear god..............

Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever."
Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
▲▼ - I'M BOTH


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