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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I have a kooky belief, that sometimes ones culture can help save a persons soul - help. Wearing my hair in native american braids (I'm over 1/4th native american on mom's side the family that OVER 1/4TH) don't need hair things anymore really or hair stlyles hair stylin hair cares just braid bamn..................I make most my turquoise jewelry these days DON'T NEED TO BUY WORLDLY JEWELRY I GOTS BEADS. The bible says contentment with godliness is great gain ONCE I WASN'T CONTENT I WAS WANTING THE THINGS THE RICH AND FAMOUS HAVE................but I have enough.......................I actually have what I need in life....................

 I have a kooky belief, that sometimes ones culture can help save a persons soul - help. Wearing my hair in native american braids (I'm over 1/4th native american on mom's side the family that OVER 1/4TH) don't need hair things anymore really or hair stlyles hair stylin hair cares just braid bamn..................I make most my turquoise jewelry these days DON'T NEED TO BUY WORLDLY JEWELRY I GOTS BEADS. The bible says contentment with godliness is great gain ONCE I WASN'T CONTENT I WAS WANTING THE THINGS THE RICH AND FAMOUS HAVE................but I have enough.......................I actually have what I need in life....................

1 Timothy 6:6 "But godliness with contentment is great gain."
there this thing of chasing after the worlds good going on out there - that embracing my native american culture more is really freeing me some
I'm walking around stores lately not wanting to buy nothing
feeling sooooooooooooo free
and happy
(sometimes I see something cute and buy it) there's a difference between seeing something cute every now and then and buying it and serving mammon Luke 16:13 "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
happy with my turquoise least some of it is handmade jewelry
and braided hair
my clothing ain't even mattering it's not even "the focal point of my look" well bible says don't be about the putting on of attire.................
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
"well sheri you still need jesus" - I know that
I'm saying being native american IS AWESOME
but hear me out
other cultures also wear different styles of jewelries
so this "phenomina" might very well be happening for other ethnicities as well???????????????????????
honestly we just need jesus................


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