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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Family update my mom says my family has a few narcissists that refuse to apologize, and they think I'm psychotic because I love Lucifer and Jesus both - to them them that makes me crazy (to be laughed at basically ------ basically). My mom is trying to force me to force them to hang out with me, but I gave them my cell phone number they no call or text nothing THEY HATE ME......................and also hmmmmm why would I be paranoid let me see.........................

told my family...........brian's estimation on things and brian is often right....................

brian he says you all get me to be pychotic and then blame me for being pychotic............and that sometimes I'll be "free" from my family for awhile and he says I get doing better..............but then I'm forced back into the family and then I become pychotic again THAT'S BASICALLY WHAT BRIAN SAYS
and then you all blame me for all the damage you have done everytime

Family update my mom says my family has a few narcissists that refuse to apologize, and they think I'm psychotic because I love Lucifer and Jesus both - to them them that makes me crazy (to be laughed at basically ------ basically). My mom is trying to force me to force them to hang out with me, but I gave them my cell phone number they no call or text nothing THEY HATE ME......................and also hmmmmm why would I be paranoid let me see.........................

e-mail reply to family I just copy and paste this......................

that is sad they think I'm pychotic

I should be allowed to have a opinion and love lucifer if /I want to 
for me
I think being "pychotic" would be me continuing acting like I'm a whole nother person then the one I am, continuing to be the perfect kirk cameron christian I think that would be me being "pychotic"
I blog this so blog followers know what's going on cause they seem to care ("pretend style probably for their lord jesus christ")
why would I be pychotic...............
filmed brian cause if I don't get receipts people deny everything
he's denying I said he rapes me often CAUSE I LITERALLY NEVER SAID THAT.............
my current husband says I mentioned that he rapes me often he said he not sure if it was in a blog post or in a e-mail and that is why he dont' have "late night activities with me much"  ------------ I don't recall EVER calling him a rapists ever, but he is 1 billion percent sure I called him such a raptist either in a e-mail or on my blog
pry on my blog
cause I rarely send e-mails to his mom and if I did I wouldnt' call him a rapist why would I do that????????????????
that would be dumb for 1
unless he's reading all my e-mails that I send
but if he is
I wouldn't 
I didn't
but he can never forgive me for that ever
he also 
doesn't want a divorce and "loves me"
I was attacked verbally by a family member for days in private texts telling me I'm aweful don't deserve family 
I didn't save receipts it don't look to be
she's denying that it ever happened to her mom and brothers
oh it happened 
but this feeds into people can't be trusted pychosis if I had any "thing" 
I'm always blamed for anything

If I say I had a horrible time at a church or that they are sinister and heeding "commandments of men" or worse
I'm consider a stupid lieing bish and nobody believes me

if I were rapped nobody would believe me or care
I ain't
but if I were nobody would either believe me or care
I'm considered 
satanic garbage

I am not valued much I really don't believe I am
like I really don't believe I am
the people that are valued are the ones that hate lucifer, only wear beige all the time
and are like old 
old people i think are valued in society
edit - this last sunday 8/19/2024 I was given a tree of life keychain with this note attached................
Ms. Schuettpelz's classrooms fundraiser is now fully funded 😁 But there are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donors Choose...........
My family most them don't love me cause bible says..........1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." They need prayer I think they all are lucifer's badly but they like to pretend they are kirk cameron's (no hate for kirk) 
supposedly everyone is christian in usa
but I believe most aren't really
they think they are..............

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

fun brothers fiancee, live in girlfriend living in sin, don't know status???????????
went through all my blog tons of posts 100's
to find dirt on my brother
she found like I think my being upset that melissa his ex was basically left alone in the hospital paralized ----- I WASN'T HAPPY ABOUT IT...............
even if melissa was a horrible alcholic always at the brink of death.........she's still alive.............pretty 100% she remarried
that I have to watch everything I say 
and that the slightest mistake I made
that's it I'm never forgiven eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
might === me being paranoid some


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