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Monday, August 19, 2024

1 out of 4 or so that's the estimate hasn't been a census on the age of the population in my town since 2020 is over the age of 55 I HAVE EYEBALLS IT'S MORE THEN THAT.................another funeral at my church they ain't inviting me and brian to the funerals pry to not depress us to wazuu.........and another card to sign of another old person in the hospital at our church. I'm supposed to be happy happy happy all the time thank god thank you jesus............................thank god I live in a town where everyone is old and dying PRAISE GOD................................

 Update 8/20/2024 finally hung up the dolphin art that I bought at ikea awhile ago (it was on sale like $2, it's clean like printed on fabric type material)...............

I could've had these dolphins swimming upwards

but decided nope - most everything is headed to hell despite the fact that either everyone is a christian or a saint of some sort or most everyone Proverbs 21:2 "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts."

there is a "white edge" around thi art, if I snip; it off the white edge it will be fully abuted to the wall..............I'll pry do that eventually....................

 1 out of 4 or so that's the estimate hasn't been a census on the age of the population in my town since 2020 is over the age of 55 I HAVE EYEBALLS IT'S MORE THEN THAT.................another funeral at my church they ain't inviting me and brian to the funerals pry to not depress us to wazuu.........and another card to sign of another old person in the hospital at our church. I'm supposed to be happy happy happy all the time thank god thank you jesus............................thank god I live in a town where everyone is old and dying PRAISE GOD................................

Every sunday the church is getting emptier and emptier 
it's not cause people are leaving not the church me and brian go to it's because they are all dieing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the church me and brian go to SUPER ACTIVE
mega active church
this last sunday I really looked at their walls of pics
they doing the good deeds all the freaking time at the church me and brian go to ACTIVE CHURCH
they all dieing though
it's like that like a big game of musical chairs
cept the chairs dont leave
What am I supposed to do
are there even enough cemetaries for me to "goth out at" and console myself??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
WELL GUESS THERE'S ABOUT TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..............................I WON'T SAY IT CAUSE THAT'S DEMENTED.........................
I get to bored in this town 
my imagination "goes places"
I won't ever do it
be a good christian sick goth
you can't do that and ------------------------- only exists myself in romania so less you taking a long plane flight for them special...................................................................
edit button hitted
resume your happy happy happy happy
24/7 praise god time..........................................................
Mrs. Hill's classrooms fundraiser is now fully funded 😃 But there are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donors Choose................


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