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Monday, August 19, 2019

My "works meet of repentance" for this week (it totally counts, I'm pretty sure about that, and this is about to pry be really expensive to do and really upset my husband)...........................

My "works meet of repentance" for this week (it totally counts, I'm pretty sure about that, and this is about to pry be really expensive to do and really upset my husband)...........................I can't show the name of my super model sister or her address (well I wouldn't show her address but my mom told me I'm much to "big time" like celebrity to say anybody in my families names on my blog, she ordered me to not say nobodies names............................) but here's the probably super expensive to mail to New York package........................

but a bible verse has been weighing on me much lately............
Luke 14:12-14"Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just."
  Can my super model sister repay me back???????? Well she is a super model. But.............
we are supposed to do good to all men
Galatians 6:10 "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."
  Is my super model little sister part of "all men" ------------- ya she is very much a part of "all men" per Galatians 6:10 MY SISTER IS A GIRL
   But anyways.........................................I got man thinking about Luke 14:12-14....................
like do we not want people to give back to us cause then we loose are reward for doing said good deed???????????????????????
But then if that is so why would Galatians 6:10 tell us to do good to "all men"?????????? Cause wouldn't doing good to some men just be for nothing.......................well not counting the good they do back to us, but I'm saying the good they do back to us would be valued as 0 cause the idea right is to like do good for kudos in heaven someday. 
And how come the poor on the streets aren't driving around in sportscars right now cause sheesh there is opportunity out there!!!!!!!
to make mack level "bank in heaven" out there right now cause there is sure nuff homeless people all over the place
the homeless should all be wearing fur coats
you homeless ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
you is a target for good deeds to happen to your butt BIG TIME
like you should be wearing a fur coat if you are homeless reading this right now and the rich saints is ripping your homeless butt off right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all the homeless on the streets should be like....................
  Man the homeless are being ripped off right now. It's ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  If you get a lot good done to you homeless people's ya I'll pry keep up, I don't "pop tags" people "pop tags" out there when I worked at a thrift store, it was happening near all the time, tags being popped. I'm one them "advanced but legal goodwill shoppers" When you clean have worked in the thrift industry you know what's of value. I used to price stuff............I have a real good idea! 
  But anyways, do good to all men, cause the bible says do that!!!!!!!!!! If my sister sends me something in the mail to me................................
as if I'm "loosing in life" 
She'd pry mail me super nice designer stuffs!
#win nomadder what


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