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Thursday, November 5, 2020

You should not want to worship Christopher Columbus anymore! And my thoughts on many republicans "ideas" that all democrats love aborting babies ----- we don't I never have and never will abort, or that we are all pro abortion I'M NOT..........that we are all maggots UNTRUE, at worse "fellow sinners" like everyone else.................

   This whole "democrats are immoral maggots" stuffs needs to end, not ALL democrats are for abortion I AIN'T...................
  Today my mom e-mailed me, very much a republican my mom is, and looks to be like most republicans CONVINCED, that all democrats abort their children they must cause their such deprived immoral scum............

I've never aborted a child ever nor would I.
(but as I've stated millions of times before on my blog sinners need to be forgiven for 1, 
that's for 1
whether they aborted kids,
maybe molested kids (which is horrible) 
If people have repented they need another chance in life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 My mom literally e-mailed me saying I quote............
""Thank you for NOT aborting my grandchildren!!!!"

Then she shared a link and I also quote..................
"If you are NOT blind, you might be interested in this:"..............................

I do not aggree with Targen in the article above. And I told my family that is Targen is a rabbi he is a "cr-p rabbi" 
 Donald Trump does not appear to me to love Native American people.........
Leviticus 19:34 "But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."
  The native american's aren't "strangers" to this country, but to donald trump we are. 
How as a president are you loving a race of people if you are flat out refusing to give said race of people a day?
Why does columbus need a day?
The very existance of columbus day, smacks me of idolatry, of idolizing columbus. 
What are the rabbi's even talking about in the above article my mom sent me if they are allllllllllllllllllllllllllll about worshipping columbus????????????????
Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
What is going on with all the rabbi's in the united states of america or the world I don't know any of the rabbi's in the article my mom sent me link above If they are worshipping columbus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
You shouldn't want to be a idolatrous nation united states of america 
you should not 
want to worship christopher columbus ANYMORE


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