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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Dear body of christ, If you greet everyone friendly at the door, but some you'd never ever invite over to your house, your really not loving everyone are you???????? Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." See I understand I've always been "trash" to you, I'm not stupid. But what you've failed to see is that LUCIFER'S PEOPLE AREN'T STUPID EITHER..............

 Dear body of christ, If you greet everyone friendly at the door, but some you'd never ever invite over to your house, your really not loving everyone are you???????? Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." See I understand I've always been "trash" to you, I'm not stupid. But what you've failed to see is that LUCIFER'S PEOPLE AREN'T STUPID EITHER.............. 

I don't get christians or people (who knows if this annoymous latest commenter - is even christian?????????) Upset with me that I distrust people............christians have put me through HELL. 
And people have put me through hell. 
people mostly haven't been nice to me
like if there was a scale
all the nice people one side
unnice the other side
the unnice side is super dooper populated at the moment
I do love God/Jesus
cause they hate iniquity like I do
they hate it
Luke 13:27 "But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity."
you lgbtq oh I love you
I'll hang out with you
you love satan no problem I also love satan - friends ๐Ÿ‘
I sincerely not only donate money to help the poor
I sincerely hope their situation get's better
I care
I do care
I pry should care more and I am a shi-
and I will work to be more zealous and care more cause I should care more
we all should

love our neighbors

uh the homeless are our neighbors

Mark 12:31 "And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
  ---------- in my neighborhood a few minutes ago, I had my window down, and it appeared some lady was very irrate at even seeing me she was yelling loud, I couldn't hear what she was saying but she was looking my way and seemed very angry at me (could be just a lot of crazy people in my town????? - she was dressed normal though - she looked of her "right mind" - older lady)
John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." I do in general donate = as much money to feed the homeless and I do spend money on my ownself these days --------- but I should want to do more and I know it. I live in luxury, most of us do. 
What even am I going to buy anyways?
I still ain't even done with my last diamond painting
(battle finding the free time to finish it)
I am much wanting friends........but it's going to be mostly satan worshippers and "it is what it is"
  My new hair color.......................Don't worry I'm so happy because I've been treated so well, by so many of course...................
It's a waiting game for me for Lucifer to finally get here. 
My life will get better. 
I will have friends. 
I am a nice person. 
A nice caring person. If nice the quality of nice is that your care about people I FIT THE BILL!
It's became a battle for me to go to church anymore
like I want to go but I don't at the same time
because I know I don't stand a chance not a chance in hell
I've tried to belong and be a part of many churches with no success really. 
church is some kind of weird hell for me these days
cause I'll go to a church see people fellowshipping all liking each other
and I'll know always
that I'm always left out
that that is NEVER ME
I've became quite a recluse, I've started liking being alone. Cause I always love me, I never dis-include me from anything. 
 myself - your invited to heaven
to the party that we will have cause we are going to heaven cause we not only love jesus we bear fruit we sure do love the homeless people and care about them much that's what god has "put on our heart" a love for the homeless. Which might make me a weirdo - ok I'm a weirdo then. 


My non church acceptable goth look later on..........I'm happier here as you can see............

it's the hearts of people 
never was the look
you all lost out when you skipped out on me


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