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Thursday, September 12, 2024

I am not a attacker of my friends and family as I have been told I am - also told I'm satan worshipping trash by many people. I understand why my christian brother and big sister not dna related to me probably not Amber and Kevin are mad at me and will never forgive me never. Kevin blames the fact that he just can't seem to get married to shondra on me, THERE WAS ONLY LIKE 1 DIRT ON MY BLOG that was basically facts BASICALLY FACTS, that melissa was left in the hospital paralized for months alone mostly cause she was a "raging alcoholic" back then AND I DIDN'T LIKE IT............even if she was a raging alcoholic and I shouldn've have to like bad things happening to people!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................and big sister she is a sinless kirk cameron she cannot afford any "blemishes" upon her perfect sinless reputation so of course of course sueing my dad while he was laid off of work and with 3 small kids knowing KNOWING CAUSE SHE WAS 18 at the time knowing that would doom us to poverty................THAT'S CHRISTIAN AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................SHE'S MAD CAUSE I'D DARE TO ASSUME THAT ISN'T ANYTHING BUT THE MOST ELECT OF GOD SHIZ.............OF COURSE IT IS NOBODY SINS IN AMERICA BESIDES ME CAUSE I WORSHIP SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................

the only reason I finally asked my sister that isn't dna related to me and further didn't live with us for 7 years while we were in arizona fact she never lived with us...............but she was far away for my childhood basically. 
was because her daughter though her daughter denies it
attacked me for days on end
and I'm like screw it I'm finally going to ask my sister how is that christian???????????
of course she no reply she hates my guts and will never forgive me ever for asking that question FOR HER LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Update 9/15/2024 finished filling this container up with origami stars yesterday 😁.....

 I am not a attacker of my friends and family as I have been told I am - also told I'm satan worshipping trash by many people. I understand why my christian brother and big sister not dna related to me probably not, Amber and Kevin are mad at me and will never forgive me never. Kevin blames the fact that he just can't seem to get married to shondra on me, THERE WAS ONLY LIKE 1 DIRT ON MY BLOG that was basically facts BASICALLY FACTS, that melissa was left in the hospital paralized for months alone mostly cause she was a "raging alcoholic" back then AND I DIDN'T LIKE IT............even if she was a raging alcoholic and I shouldn've have to like bad things happening to people!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................and big sister she is a sinless kirk cameron she cannot afford any "blemishes" upon her perfect sinless reputation so of course of course sueing my dad while he was laid off of work and with 3 small kids knowing KNOWING CAUSE SHE WAS 18 at the time knowing that would doom us to poverty................THAT'S CHRISTIAN AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................SHE'S MAD CAUSE I'D DARE TO ASSUME THAT ISN'T ANYTHING BUT THE MOST ELECT OF GOD SHIZ.............OF COURSE IT IS NOBODY SINS IN AMERICA BESIDES ME CAUSE I WORSHIP SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................

lucifer today 

says this is the good ol' days...................

I never say where these e-mails are coming from cause I'm 100% most of them are LITERALLY LUCIFER SOMEHOW somehow gaining access to this website

I've witnessed him do "out there" shiz before

and I don't want the portal to end..............................

kevin's iancee who lives in sin with him has for what 2-3 years now
they are engaged I think?????????????
she literally spent days had to of been days reading all my blog posts
searching for dirt on my brother
well that she "dirt searched" so thoroughly ain't something I made her do
she must not be that in love with my brother 
to do such a multi day it had to of been days
100's of my posts she went through and I know it for a fact
cause to find that 1-2 posts from YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AGO
she would have had to searched for days on end for those 1-2 posts
my blog itself logged all that traffic
no hate for anybody
I'm just saying nobody 
in the deptghs of love
is going to search "for dirt" for days on end like that
Maybe shandra is deep in love with my brother now - but they still ain't married!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't worry everyone everyone is sinless and christian in usa
execpt me
and katy perry said she made a deal with the devil
and rhianna also mentioned the devil

everyone else is christian or somehow heaven bound and sinless in the usa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Proverbs 21:2 "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts."
 - my way isn't right in my eye's naw
I buy to much shiz half the time out of boredom I like jewelry to much jewelry is my acheilies heel 
  I think it's because I'm never told I'm I'm always trying to be pretty. And I'm in a sexless marriage!!!!!!!! 
  My husband never went to the doctor to get on testosterone drugs, he likes being in a sexless marriage HE'S LIVING HIS DREAM MARRIAGE - WHICH IS MY NIGHTMARE MARRIAGE. BUT HE'S HAPPY AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS IN 2024. 
i mean the bible is no lies
the flesh wars against the spirit 
and the spirit against the flesh
seems in sinless kirk cameron land 
I'm the only one in this war
......................but looking pretty has been important to me
I guess so while the christians are attacking me telling me I am mean to my friends and family and that I'm satan worshipping trash etc. like they like to do for jesus though they haven't in awhile
but I know many think that about me all that 
especially amber baker 
kevin ruby
----------- while they all thinkin that
I at least look pretty
but not to pretty
cause that babylon the harlot shiz is BAD
And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls!
most christian sinless women
they don't wear jewelry
or makeup
they walk around looking horrible all the time for jesus
usa is full of sinless terrible looking ladies!!!!!!!! That's basically all of the usa!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - no hate - that's awesome you like looking aweful for jesus 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Keep up the good work 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Matthew 5:10-12 "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."
Mrs. Phelps classrooms fundraiser is now fully funded 😁 But there are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donors Choose...................


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