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Friday, February 7, 2025

All the traffic to my blog is gone now. It "currently looks to be" I'm going down in history as that chick that complained about being attacked online and that is a fake christian joke satan worshipper even though I swear I give my life to jesus. --------- ok..........................I'm chill with this...............might still blog though without hardly any traffic warning MIGHT BLOG EVEN MORE WITH HARDLY ANY TRAFFIC BUT MY POSTS MIGHT STINK CAUSE I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS ON EARTH AKA NO FELLOWSHIP, AND I ONLY READ 2 PAGES A DAY OF THE BIBLE (or listen to christian radio but am convinced listening to christian radio isn't as effective as 2 pages of the bible - NO HATE)...................

((((((((((((((((as a little 5th grader it was 5th grade I was in miss krapu's class and my butt was swatted a lot --------------- I was doing shiz to get my butt swat, that's why I never said nothing to a teacher or anybody................though I knew oh this is pry abuse, this pry isn't normal but I was such a bad child that I literally believed I DESERVED ALL THAT))))))))))))) that and I wanted to blend in a fit in and be like all the kids around me -------------- so I tried my best to hide that my butt was often in pain all day long

  All the traffic to my blog is gone now. It "currently looks to be" I'm going down in history as that chick that complained about being attacked online and that is a fake christian joke satan worshipper even though I swear I give my life to jesus. --------- ok..........................I'm chill with this...............might still blog though without hardly any traffic warning MIGHT BLOG EVEN MORE WITH HARDLY ANY TRAFFIC BUT MY POSTS MIGHT STINK CAUSE I DON'T HAVE FRIENDS ON EARTH AKA NO FELLOWSHIP, AND I ONLY READ 2 PAGES A DAY OF THE BIBLE (or listen to christian radio but am convinced listening to christian radio isn't as effective as 2 pages of the bible - NO HATE)...................

I'll deal with the narrative I'm in 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
I'm not worthless lieing bish "the narrative" people have put me in I always to the best of my ability tell the truth - and I realize my family is saying I was never swatting on the butt that I have the most loving family on earth
but my parents have lived away from me for 24 years or so
my kids that are now college age have only seen their grandparents from my side of the family for about 30 minutes total in time or something like that hardly no time at all
my brother now lives 1 1/2 hour away but for long time he lived other areas of usa
my sister been in new york about 24 years or so 
and I remember my butt hurting so bad from being "spanked" switching butt cheeks, cause I couldn't sit in class on one butt cheek for only a few seconds, putting my hands under my butt then not doing that cause people were noticing
having to excuse myself to go to the bathroom often - I DON'T HAVE BLADDER ISSUES
and i was miss krapu's teachers aid and I ain't no goody too shoes like that
that's kevin and aimee NOT ME
but my family is insistant 
that my butt wasn't hardly ever swatted and definately not badly
that they are the most loving flawless awesome family on earth and they love having dinner at each others houses every week ACCORDING TO THEM (like in their brains)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(right now for those not knowing the tally kevin and amber - the not dna related to me likely sister though still everyone insists she's dna related to us the only generic dna test that I saw that she took she took 2 of them but the one I saw said 97% finland.................those two live in salem oregon, my mom and dad live in montana right now, and aimee in new york
and I'm in the portland area but it don't matter where I live cause I'm the hated black sheep of my family and a supposed liar a crazy liar according to my parents)
I'm a crazy liar
and also according to my parents while they are calling me a crazy liar as they often do they according to them love me
it just don't "add up" to me their idea that they are the loving awesome family
their narrative don't add up
my husband's family is normal...............
and you know what they do this normal family
(as normal as families get) 
people that love and do good have value.............
Matthew 5:13 "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."
   We have the "the church" proper on earth
daystar main tv station
Joni and Doug Weiss are doing adultery/fornication
there's no way it was actually ok for doug to divorce his wife of 30 years NO WAY
Matthew 19:8-10 "He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry."
  Well we gots right now over half marriages ending in divorce - how many of them were due to adultery????????????????? And then people out there do remarry maybe even christians maybe this has gone on a long time and now the body of christ accepts accepts people full out going against Matthew 19:9????????????????? LOOKS TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get it
you want to "start again"
Oregon Food Bank
any husband married to me shouldn't want to divorce that......................

but persecuted right 
but not forsaken by jesus 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
2 Corinthians 4:9 "Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;"
cast down
but not destroyed
not destroyed
joni and doug weiss pry couldn't handle loosing daystar tv that's pry destroy them so I guess it's for the best


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