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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I am THE turd of the body of christ - my goals/dream is to end up in a hotel room soon, with a bag of doritos watching like hbo movies with lucifer (recogn we'll be at some hotel for awhile??????). This is my plot - finally not having to worry about who's gonna attack me next and cause me to loose my mind again and walk around my neighborhood screaming "I don't envy my super model sister" anymore). Bible says to humble yourself. Though originally on this here blog I was trying to "gain friends" and was sorta trying to exalt myself - to win friends trying to be look sinless like them, so they'd like me at the apostolic christian church of america I FAILED Luke 14:11 "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." Will said bag of doritos be AWESOME ----------------- OH YOU KNOW THEY WILL............................

 Update 2/26/2025 redid a wall of my bedroom, cause it was to unorganized for my liking. So I bought from craigslist a gigantic entertainment center, and I was about to put the whole entertainment center in me and brian's bedroom. Well only 1 piece fit in our bedroom, it's ok, the other 2 parts of it fit well in our living room. So it's a 2 room "re-do" turns out.............

oop my bad, there's actually glass doors and one more shelf to this thing............this is the final look not the 2nd picture............

(also the 2 three cubby high shelves on each side of the tv we already owned them) - we had to use them to hold up the top shelf which with the entire entertainment center set would've rested on top of the sides of the 2 other pieces which I'll pry put pics of on the blog post before this blog post : ) 

Now the tv is on one of them hinging wall mounts so I can swing it over to see it while sitting in bed. And I like that the hermit crabs are higher up and easier to see. 
this is the before this 2nd pic................

I am THE turd of the body of christ - my goals/dream is to end up in a hotel room soon, with a bag of doritos watching like hbo movies with lucifer (recogn we'll be at some hotel for awhile??????). This is my plot - finally not having to worry about who's gonna attack me next and cause me to loose my mind again and walk around my neighborhood screaming "I don't envy my super model sister" anymore). Bible says to humble yourself. Though originally on this here blog I was trying to "gain friends" and was sorta trying to exalt myself - to win friends trying to be look sinless like them, so they'd like me at the apostolic christian church of america I FAILED Luke 14:11 "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." Will said bag of doritos be AWESOME ----------------- OH YOU KNOW THEY WILL............................

brian pry will end up safe

my kids end up safe

me bag of doritos in a hotel room with lucifer hopefully soon 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

there's a good crazy to have man
most are "bad crazy" "sad crazy" 
I'm aiming for happy crazy 🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗
going up - maybe someday
til then 
I'm going down 


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