Update 12/28/2024 cool pic I took today.......................
If you want to make a difference in this world - let your flaws, show, a super "white washed facade" is not going to help many people (I'm alotting that it could help a few people cause the bible says to listen to the sermons of the pharisee's just don't do what they do)....................Matthew 23:3 "So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach." That's why I never worried much about if the apostolic christian church of america were or aren't pharisee's (there's people out there that appear to firmly believe that the apostolic christian church of america members are pharisee's --------- there is potential for that going on at that church..............I'm hoping for many of them still myself), I always knew it was ok to listen to the apostolic christian church of america even if they were/are pharisee's cause their sermons is good. But you know my point is, pharisee's could be helpful.But jesus appears to be pretty against this "white washed" be obsessed with having a super clean outside cup idea in my estimation. The bible says......................James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." I think that's what jesus wants for the whole body of christ for us to indeed confess our faults to one another (which for me happens often on my blog, it counts). NOT CRACK OUT THE WHITE PAINT AND PAINT AND PAINT AND PAINT IT ALL PRETTY AND PERFECT ALWAYS!
My dad wants me to delete the previous blog post, my family is super concerned that they must look perfect..........and my mom is convinced that my blog is "super big" on this earth........it is.................but I am struggling to get them to understand that they could have flaws AND IT'S OK! ------ they ain't getting it.
It's so weird to, cause I'll talk, they'll see me talk...........am I the worse for confessing my faults????????? Am I?????????? Naw I don't believe I am ever. People want that, they want to care about each other for one!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to care about each other............does it not help if we confess our faults, and struggles etc. etc. etc. to one another (say if I battled a eating disorder....................for example) so that they could pray for me, or try and give me I don't know web links to help get victory over my eating disorder (just a example........well kind of..............technically I do battle a eating disorder "binge eating disorder" is what it is called. People want to hear these kinds of things both in the body of christ and outside of it, they want to care!
Often I'll blog about going to the foodbank and helping out, or buying stuffs at https://thehungersite.greatergood.com/clicktogive/ths/home
I am not a fluke item out there! Many people both in the body of christ and outside of it, care for one another.........................I'm talking about neighbors caring about neighbors I've experienced it in my own cul - de - sac.................(one of our neighbors one day was concerned, that we were maybe struggling to pay some bills and said if we ever needed help to just ask.............so nice).
""""""sheri that isn't even reality, people are aweful out there and if you say one thing that makes you look bad someway THEY WILL SCEWER YOU ALIVE" ------- naw they pry won't, actually they have lives buisy lives I find, they ain't like all with some list of enemies they must scewer alive most people like don't have such a list I'm saying. The world is actually pretty good a lot of it. And everytime something ugly does happen out there.............this truth shines again and again, with the countless people that help after natural disasters etc.
I take back this song, it is only "evil" if you chose to make it "evil".....................
John Lennon was a chill dude, I just don't think he had "disbolical plans" with this song at all.........fact I think this song is rather nice.
Micah 4:3 "And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
My hippy self is getting off topic though................................it's ok to not be perfect. And further think upon the above song..................john lennon he wasn't a perfect guy, singing all them "sinner songs" (I don't know much about john lennon......trying) my point he wasn't """""""""pristine"""""""""""""" but he didn't need to be did he?????????????
No all he needed...........was heart!
Thumbs up John Lennon 👍
Gaza Soup Kitchen
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