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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

There was a time I wanted "everything" but these days more then anything I want us all to love each other much more, for gossip to no longer be even a thing desired, much less, enjoyed........................

 Update 12/29/2024 went and saw "The Jinx and Dela Holiday show" LOVED IT 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 The storyline was really good, really well done holiday show....................

(somedays I'll take a photo where I look like marilyn monroe a lot and really like the photo - today was one of those days 😃. The modest dress in this photo is from  I actually really like the slit on it a slew, I wear leggings underneath this dress always......
but still the slit is totally fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
 There was a time I wanted "everything" but these days more then anything I want us all to love each other much more, for gossip to no longer be even a thing desired, much less, enjoyed.
   Sometimes I will e-mail my family a e-mail (and 4 apostolic church of americanians) a e-mail so good I deem it blog worthy this is snippets of one of them e-mails. I am talking about my "big secret" which I gave my family a opportunity to find out from at least 2 of the 4 of them apostolic christians, something I did in the 1st grade.....hint tied into lucifer - 3 years old I was instructed in the black arts by a demon in the form of a crayon on the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well the temptation was a bit to much for my tiny self to handle. (it's not time for the whole world to know all of that, but someday I'm extremely comfortable with the whole world knowing all of that).............
for my past made me who I am today,
which I don't think is bad,
if you are willing to fight to love people..............THAT AIN'T BAD
In a world where a lot of people seemingly wants to hate each other and be so offended so easy!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the important thing in life
not who said or did this that or another to you - but love
love is the important thing in life - I'm trying to tell you all something
the pointing of the fingers at each other.........or even at me as """""""""much of a character as I actually am""""""""""" that will accomplish 0
but love will
loving each other will
that is god's will for us that we love one another
we are god's children and we need to remember that again each one of us and stop pointing to the fingers all of us.............and instead love one another care about one another. 
then we will find, purpose in our lives, meaning, and even happiness
  That is such a great bit of a e-mail, the USA should want me to run for president of the United States of America right now for reals! --- I don't know anything much about politics but the pay is good.....................
   I have "high hopes" for you all!
Have a great day earth!
The Trevor Project


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