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Friday, May 9, 2014

the importance of being lowly, meek, humble, not gaining this world even if I could.........

Update 8/12/2023 My main garage sale find for this week, though this week, one for the record books cause we got guinea pig cages and supplies $20 at one garage sale, and guinea pigs --------- they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute and nice. I'll post pics later of them. But anyways, THE BEST GARAGE SALE WEEKEND OF MY LIFE PROBABLY.......................
and entire box of hats fancy like "derby style" hates BUT SO MUCH FUN TO WEAR EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!  Like 12-13 hats in this giant box, all of them really really really fun, Also in this box (I bought all the contents in this big box) a fur scarf thingy - cute. And like 5-6 clutch style purses, one is probably a antique...........all very cute one has a lipstick holder - which would hold lip gloss for me and a mirror - I like that. 
I'm finally breathing normal. Well figured out, that I have SILENT GERD, well silent gerd YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT'S THERE (sorta like "silent sin" which I also think is a thing.............where like you know makeup and jewelry is like babylon the harlot stuffs but you all wear it thinking "you can do all things in christ jesus" - YIKES
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of hermy people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
hats are ok
ya hats are like headcoverings which the bible 👍👍👍👍 for us ladies a lot
back in the like 1800's when like women got historically sick of covering their this is real history I'm telling you...............ladies switched over to hats. HATS ARE HEADCOVERINGS!
But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.
 But back to my silent gerd for the maybe 2 people that click on this cause people hate me baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad I like started drinking alkaline water again AND THAT'S WHEN I WAS ABLE TO START BEING ABLE TO BREATH AGAIN (without a tight chest/tight throat when merely walking like anywhere - that went on for over 2 weeks) 
  This morning I test the ph on our tap faucet 6 ph IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE 7 PH it's 6 ph it's acidic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I was drinking acid water, cola's, eating junk wonder I was at the brink of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
 Now I am very skinny, but health trust me, super skinny me IS BREATHING BREATHING IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! - YIKES. (my husband I showed him the ph test strip and showed him it's 6 ph and acidic our tap water is, and he's about to get a filter to fix that)
the importance of being lowly, meek, humble, not gaining this world even if I could.......I'm not a very popular person on this earth, if you notice most my posts nobody replies if they do they reply "annymous" most people it don't look like even want the world to know they went to my blog so lowly I am. And I know what I could do to WIN MORE FRIENDS basically................Mark 8:36 "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" I've decided it's clean not worth it, that I'm better off with my handful of friends. Proverbs 13:7 "There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches."
Pry poor in this world, and poor as in not having so many friends it's pry a double poor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Proverbs 14:20 "The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends."
 Nobody hardly heeds this verse on this planet....................Romans 12:16 "Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits." People instead do what's written in proverbs 14:20 there they go to the rich................and I think they go to the rich assuming that the rich have been greately blessed by god (which is sometimes the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  But also I think "be of the same mind one toward another".............means just that, towards the rich and the poor alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Romans 12:16 tried to tell people tried to remind people to "mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate" I take that to mean ----------- DON'T FORGET YOUR POOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T JUST "MIND" MIND MEANING............SPENDING ALL YOUR TIME SERVING TALKING TO WHATEVER "HIGH THINGS".....................don't do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya talk to your rich, fellowship with your rich in your church................................but....................."be of the same mind one toward another"!!!!!!!
   This is me nearly getting off topic but I'm convinced it's better to abase myself..................Luke 14:11
"For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."
  The rich can't help it that they are rich though, some them, some thems GOD'S PLACED THEM THERE.................but we can all be lowly......................"be of the same mind one toward another"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  It is harder though for a rich man to humble himself, it is harder for a man that is in a "high place" on this earth to humble himself ----------------- I believe though the apostolic christian church of america might like to think themselves to be a bunch of poor and lowly people..........................I do believe actually many them are likely very rich! From my perspective they are but I'm so lowly what I know????????????
   If god's given you a lot, lots of wealth, lots of friends, lots of "high status" ------------ it could be harder for you to humble yourself, to be truelly humble and lowly.......................I have a suggestion though..................condescend to those of "low estate" I speak from experience, there is something humbling about doing that. 
  The "pride of life" people that experience that a lot..................I don't think those people are really condescending to people of low estate much...................1 John 2:16 "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."
 Ya I basically wish things could get better for me! But at any rate I prefer to be lowly...........even if it costs me the entire world. I agree with paul........................Philippians 3:8 "Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,"
UPDATE:::: getting a ultrasound potentially today, real soon! (failed the pregnancy blood tests, but what I've read about the "hook effect" people pregnant with twins or triplets do often fail the blood tests as well)


Anonymous said...

“I'm not a very popular person on this earth, if you notice most my posts nobody replies if they do they reply "annymous" most people it don't look like even want the world to know they went to my blog so lowly I am.”

Well, Sheri, I don’t feel like a very ‘popular person’ either! It makes me wonder what the average person would say if they were asked about their popularity. I’m guessing most would identify with you and with me on that. But please don’t feel bad or measure your popularity/love by whether people post here or not. There might be reasons.

(1) It might simply be that folks around you don’t know you have a blog. I found your blog completely by accident.
(2) It might also be that folks around you simply don’t want to participate, either because they have other things going on that take up their time, no interest in blogs, etc. Who would know?
(3) Some may be put off by blogs in general. Blogs tend to be sounding boards for what one person thinks about something. And you and I have both probably read blogs that make the person blogging appear full of themselves. I’m not saying yours is that way, but this could be a perception people have about blogs.
(4) Maybe many of us are simply too self-centered to participate. The human race seems to have this tendency towards being self-centered. It must be part of the sin nature. We want to be respected or receive affirmation when we say something… but we forget the importance of giving it to others.
(5) Maybe some folks are intimidated by you. I’m not saying you are, but maybe some feel that way for whatever reason.
(6) Maybe some folks have responded to your blog… and you haven’t replied back to them or even acknowledged that it was received. Or maybe they perceive that you didn’t like their response. Or… who knows?
(7) And as for posting anonymously… how do you know that someone else out there doesn’t feel very ‘lowly’ themselves, and perhaps not worthy of even putting their name on the post? Or maybe they don’t know you very well, and until they get to know you and what you might do with their ‘name’ that they’ve posted, maybe they reserve their trust for a little while.

But what do I know? Sheri, I like your blog. Bless you, I can’t always follow your train of thought, but I admire your enthusiasm. I don’t know you from Adam, but I read your blog because I like it and I appreciate your desire for Christ. And honestly – I wish I had your courage to just put everything out there like you do. I learn from you.

Giving it to god said...

your reply came at a good time for me.......todays been ruff day for me...........gps went haywire and my cellphone wasn't automatically renewed cause my husband got a new debit card. So I like had to miss church tonight (I'll call in though : ) hope your week is going good!

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