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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I will fully admit, there have been times I have UNKNOWINGLY "persecuted the church" Philippians 3:6 "Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless."......................

 Update 9/30/2023 I only worked out for 30 minutes tonight (trying to send "extreme asthma" into remission) - well today I didn't have to take even 1 hit off of my inhaler. I'm very tired though, and I know why ----------- I literally ate 0 carbs today, I ate 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup of coffee, 1 lettuce wrap carls jr. burger, and a bowl of beans, and some nuts. Well that is probably actually 0 carbs. Maybe I should go grab a piece of keto bread before I go to bed so my body at least has what 8 carbs................
I will fully admit, there have been times I have UNKNOWINGLY "persecuted the church" Philippians 3:6 "Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless." But I think we all have that same type of weakness of from time to time getting "over zealous" cause you know Philippians 3:6 "Concerning zeal, persecuting the church" paul got over zealous I believe.
   I've always been a very "ambitious" person. Somedays for the mere fact that I wake up in the morning and I much want to live this life more abundantly jesus came to give me...........
a rich a full life
one where I am no longer a debtor (slave) to the flesh no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   The church is worried about my bodybuilding, they are weary of it, but I assure you all YET AGAIN, that I got my personal trainer certificate if I decide to go a "professional route" with bodybuilding it'll be as a personal trainer and not a """""""""""competing bodybuillder"""""""""""
 I swear I am not getting the muscles for vain reasons fact oftentimes women look a bit worse having muscles. It's for """"""""HEALTH""""""""" reasons. 
  Yes I am about to become exceedingly muscular (for career "personal trainer" reasons, and health reasons) it is fun for me : ) I do enjoy it : )
  And elder of my church made sure I don't look down to people that don't look like me...........I completely don't. Everyone out there that is struggling with their weight, there are underlying issues, stress, health issues that make it hard to work out much, depression, anxiety. Very few people out there are actually like............ahhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going to eat all the food I want and just gain 400 lbs this year! - even the morbid obese, lot them say they wish that hadn't of happened to them THAT WASN'T THEIR PLAN FOR THEIR LIFE!!!!!!!!!! 
  Don't give up out there, not on your soul you salvation, not on your health DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!! Every walk, every good diet choice, every day you read your bible and pray helps!!!!!! 
  I verred off my topic at hand some. I wish to not be viewed as a "persecuter" of the church no more, I may slip up from time to time a bit???????????????? That is accidental if/when that does happen. (to much zeal I sometime's have gotten)
  I hear lots of talk these days about false prophets and how they are all over the christian tv stations I even heard some real "off" stuffs that billy graham said (bible says to like judge nothing um.........1 Corinthians 4:5 "Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God." I HOPE billy graham just had a few really off days??????????..........I would surely wish billy graham to be saved then not saved, if he believe's for reals something that isn't in keeping with the word of god it is my prayer that god will point that out to him) We all make mistakes.....................Ephesians 4:32 "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." As much as I am here giving advice to the planet with ephesians 4:32 I am also taking my own advice, this is something I need to work to do much, much, much more and I want to.
   Now I am about to add a picture of how my biceps are doing today : ) for funsies : ).......................hahahahhahaha PS............nowdays I only wear blush and foundation, cause god appears to prefer I wear less makeup.................I am a redhead though us redheads we actually don't need makeup really..........................
(this is a pic from 2014, I am much thinner now) I was laughed at in the comment section of this blog post in 2014 - so sad, so sad, that I was literally viewed as a joke to people. (this commenter was pry "lovingly laughing" at me, but still I was a joke to people)
Mrs. Richards class is now fully funded πŸ˜ƒ But there are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donor's Choose.........................
Have a great week earth!



Jayaseelan Samuel said...

:) haha

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