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Thursday, June 9, 2022

Currently headcovering wearing Sheri estimates, If you look like a "whore" and/or super sexual uh lady - YOU COULD END UP LIVING """"""THAT LIFE"""""" that promicuous life ------ that's what I estimate happened to marilyn monroe, I don't think she thought "I know someday I'm going to be a government hooker" DID SHE?????????...........

 Since this blog post is sooooooooooooooo popular this blog post is getting "bonus content"............

 Corsets though show "curves" are actually modest. I'm letting you all know, if the cleavage is hidden, and the midriff............and like around the knee area is covered, like if a good amount of your body is covered in particular the cleavage and the butt.............your dressed modest then. Back in the what 1800's or whatever picture above is from wikipedia, ladies dressed very modest many of them did very classy, with as you can see hair styles that were up and "modest" 
My 2 latest corsets, both by "Daisy Corsets" company
I only wearing lip gunk in this picture cause I am about to go to bed soon.
I am really liking both of these corsets, they are really providing a lot of back relief, and helping with my posture sometimes I am a bit of a slouch. 
modesty is the best because it is classy in my opinion
 Currently headcovering wearing Sheri estimates, If you look like a "whore" and/or super sexual uh lady - YOU COULD END UP LIVING """"""THAT LIFE"""""" that promicuous life ------ that's what I estimate happened to marilyn monroe, I don't think she thought "I know someday I'm going to be a government hooker" DID SHE?????????...........

  I'm getting somewhere with this idea of mine...............whether she was "that type of girl" didn't end up mattering because other men, in this instance what bobby kennedy and JFK DEEMED HER THAT TYPE OF GIRL DUE TO HOW SHE LOOKED. 

 I think letting little girls teens wear a bit of makeup - no problem with that. I theorize the skimpy clothing could be a problem???????????
   Leviticus 19:29 "Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness."
   Always throughout time, there have been "easy" ladies. Whether you want to call them hookers, or whores. THEY ALWAYS HAVE A LOOK. 
1 Timothy 2:8-10 "I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."
   I'm well convinced modest attire is very very important. Makeup has 0% to do with modest attire. People like to try and wrangle makeup into this topic but 1 Timothy 2:8-10 is saying modest attire that's the thing 👍
  As much as some of you love legalism, can we please most of us agree, that the "hoar" (no hate for hoars) look entails not just makeup but the clothing as well, nelly furtado singing about being a permicuous girl in the video ain't even about her's all the skimy clothing and booty shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!


But dancing is plenty ok I feel, just don't try and jiggle your butt. I have a very different view then most christians I know. But I believe dancing at um a rockybilly bar, or rock concert or whatever, ain't bad............
Luke 15:24-26 "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing. And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant."
  Be glad when young people are happy dancing at their concerts, at least they happy or at least for that bit of time. 
  I believe as long as the booty ain't popping ------------ that's good wholesome fun then 👍 Ideally kids would be dressed modest to while not popping their booties. 
   That's what I believe. 
    pic of my modest look for today.................
no booty popping here..................
I been really loosing weight lately as you can see.................I don't know if anybody would even believe me.....................I've started doing something new, that has took away all my 5g problems. And is making me super skinny. 
I don't even need crystals anymore
I been sleeping on a grounding mat every night
seems to be either way 
I'm hard at work doing hippy shiz : )


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