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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

I've decided I'm happy and thankful that guys hit on me all the time, keep doing that ya, cause I've gotten very good at telling guys all the time "sorry I'm married" hella good looking guys's good to know that "at least I'm strong there"!!!!!!!!! IT'S GOOD! Also we all should NOT LIKE PORN cause it is not most the time via married people..........................

I've decided I'm happy and thankful that guys hit on me all the time, keep doing that ya, cause I've gotten very good at telling guys all the time "sorry I'm married" hella good looking guys's good to know that "at least I'm strong there"!!!!!!!!! IT'S GOOD! Also we all should NOT LIKE PORN cause it is not most the time via married people.
snippet from e-mail to 4 ACCA members and my family...........................

I think people done divorce people to often. 

porn is super popular out there and porn, what people out there are loving and cheering on, IS FORNICATION 80% OF THE TIME! 
very little porn that I know about is actual married couples having sex..........besides that's not want people want to watch............they want to watch depraved filth!

Romans 1:31-32 

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
People divorce much to easy out there, and I think that is one the reasons why porn has sooooooooooooooooooo thrived on this earth for surely no saint, no elect of god, no christian..............should be enjoying the depravity of porn!!!!!!!!!!! that is more often then not, images of sinners, on their way to hell!
that should NOT be enjoyable to look at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it is for many people out there.............why.............well I think it's cause marriages are just tossed away all to often out there and people have lost both respect for themselves for their own bodies and each other! (the bulk of people I suspect have to some extent or another, FOR SURELY THEY SHOULD NOT ENJOY WATCHING PEOPLE HEADING TO HELL..................which is what porn is basically.............most of the time, I HOPE THEY REPENT and give their lives to the lord before it is to late I sure do)
  That's snippet of a e-mail I sent them. Pastor of my church got me thinking on this topic some, that and surfing you tube last night did. What the pastor of my church said is to basically take heed even if you think you stand..............................even if you think "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I could never cheat on my spouse...............or I could never be a fornicator not me noway"
1 Corinthians 10:12 "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heedlest he fall."

  Have a great week earth!


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