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Friday, April 13, 2018

If you ain't "been real with god" lately, it's time to get real with god - BE REAL! A life based on lies, even lies to ourselves, isn't going to work out in the end...................

If you ain't "been real with god" lately, it's time to get real with god - BE REAL! A life based on lies, even lies to ourselves, isn't going to work out in the end...................
Matthew 7:26-28 "And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:"

  It might costs us something to "be real" might cost us our career! It might moreso pry, cost us friends! That's pry it right there. Cause you (I in this instance) ain't so coooooooooooooool no more ------ potentially, highly doubtful though, theoretically. 
  Reality pry is the more we follow the lord the "cooler" we get! Doing good to people that's pry "cool" 
 How many of us think drugs is cool??????????
Or porn???????????????
Or gambling?????????????
all the kinds of stuffs people that have drifted away from following jesus could get themselves caught up in -------------- how many of those things do we really deem "cool" pry not many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though from my snoopy "research" on instagram if you post up semi naked photo's of yourself --------- your photo will get very liked up. And many of us peoples that try and dress modest, we don't get as many likes for our photo's. But are those even the "cool" people for reals all them that are barely clothed on instagram that have so many followers and such liked photo's on instagram.
  Are they all that is cool on this earth? - I highly doubt it! #gotthatbluesuedeshoeselvisswaggergoingforthelordyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I quote elvis "Well you can do anything but lay off my blue suede shoes" - amen amen amen amen amen elvis amen geez amen elvis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES ELVIS YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  The bible is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo true Luke 9:25 "For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?" It is of no advantage I do not believe to "gain the whole world" and lose either youself OR BE CAST AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my answer for Luke 9:25...............our souls should have great value!!!!!! And our person, the actual people we are should have great value. 
   --------------- Today I had a conversation with someone that either is one them facebook "catfish" accounts (someone faking being someone else) or someone had hacked one of my facebook friends account.........either way they were hard at work faking to be someone they weren't and I tried to call them out on it, and their reply was "I'm nobody, I'm nothing" (which is a mega weak reply in my estimation I TOLD FACEBOOK ABOUT IT DON'T WORRY). 
   That's my 10 cents for today. I am never sure that people around me are being real, and I worry about that. I worry people AREN'T real out there many of them...............and if they ain't real with me or other people..............they likely ain't real with god either. 
   I want to have no part with the "fake game" I wish to partake in the lords sufferings! Deny myself, deny the lusts of my flesh, and take up my cross and follow jesus daily!
Have a great week earth!
Be a cool cat! 🐈


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