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Monday, August 20, 2012

The most powerful bible verse in my estimation Galatians 5:16 god's word it is powerful I've experienced the power of god's word.......................

My rendition of "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac..........
(and the latest cerca 2021)
(a letter I e-mailed a few members of the apostolic christian church of america today - I not wanting to let myself ever forget how powerful god's word really is - I can go back to this blog post if I ever need to and remind myself)......................................
the most powerful verse in the bible in my estimation..............
Galatians 5:16 "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh."

I believe in the power of the word of god!
You read galatians 5:16 and you think man it can't be that easy.......................... .....I'm tempted to china wazoo and back again, it can't be that easy BUT I'VE FOUND GALATIANS 5:16 TO ACTUALLY BE TRUE - IT IS ACTUALLY THAT EASY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every smack single time I crack and buy something dumb - it's cause I ain't been in god's word for awhile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  'In the year 2021 there are tons of tents and homeless people all over the Portland Oregon area
looks to be a great deal of the homeless are here in Portland Oregon
Please consider donating money to...............
Sheri 2021 has the "spirit of 76" 😁👍
(looks like I'm a pretty convincing Marilyn Monroe look alike to me, but hey I might've gone blind?)
Them Marilyn Lips 👄
I just glob the lipstick on.........but that has for reals always been my lipstick application method 
sooooooooooo it's a good thing I look like Marilyn Monroe 👍
---- though not so much in this lighting/camera angle
even then I don't look so "far away" from her


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