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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Faith without works is dead so I'm getting buisy : ) if your faith feels dead at any point in time (less fire, less zeal then usual) get buisy that is my advice!..........................

(bag of candies I'm taking to church tommorow - dollar tree zeal and fire for the lord is real 🔥)
Faith without works is dead so I'm getting buisy 😊 if your faith feels dead at any point in time (less fire, less zeal then usual) get buisy that is my advice!
  James 2:19-20 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"
   Tommorow my church has people giving candy for the church easter egg hunt (they are filling 100's of plastic eggs with candy, this year it will be at 2 schools and opened up to the nearby communities), I am about to go to the dollar tree and buy a few bags of candy. (I have no good deed plot for the rest of the week) But I'm zealous 👍
  I relate to the soldier part of this video.....................11:50 into it............................
  I greately theorize I got used to be babied, by church, by my family, by alllllllllllll kinds of people. They meant well by babying me. 
  But there is a time to I quote movie Encino Man, to "be a man esse"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Timothy 2:4 "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."
  I often feel like I am in the army ---------- well I am in the army of god! And soldiers do not fear! 
 Have a great week earth!
I totally have a vision for my future to, I had visions many of them (clean been to my future, there is a room I'm going to go to every evening in my future I could draw out the details of this room to the "T" ------------- A REAL ROOM THAT I AM GOING TO EVERY EVENING FOR ALL OF ETERNITY, long as I make it to heaven). There's maybe 5 steps leading up to the door of this slightly larger then twin sized bed towards the right, on the left side there is a dresser, and there is a massive window about 20 feet high and 30 feet wide - big, and giant curtain made of a expensive velvet material - heavy velvet - held open at the sides by giant ropes. More to this room then that, but it's not time for me to talk. (told a handful of people about all this and the bible verses that apply to me.................pretty safe to say they pry think I'm nuts) But if I was nuts how would I know about the room and all the details.........the room is spoken about in this song.......................which is me pretty much talking to much.....where Patrick Stump sings "and we can pull the black out curtains down".........
 I will give my whole life to the lord forever for this vision to happen! I had amnesia for a long time and I regained my memories, I remembered. 
  I don't know what sort of future the rest of the body of christ has in their minds for like eternity???????????? 
    I pry need to stop my instagram account really stop the marilyn monroe scenangans.........cause that ain't my "vision" my vision is one where I'm living for the lord, and loving people and doing much good. And not only in this life, but in the next! That is my idea of a happy eternity, one where I love people and am loved, and serve people. 
  I don't want to be this "look at me I'm so gorgeous" person (I think I feel pressured by society, that and I am very insecure of my weight and I use that marilyn monroe look alike stuffs as a crutch....................there was a time I was alright with my weight but I am extremely insecure about it these days) The ketogenic diet though is totally working for me, it's just slow going. Being vegan for 6 months or so, I gained weight, and I learned my body doesn't work on the vegan diet. Every persons metabolism is a bit different I have learned. 
  The greatest in the kingdom of heaven will be the least and the servant of all!
But greatness just to be great isn't a good plan..........I really do find value, in humbling myself, and serving others. 
The people out there with the richest lives/eternities aren't the ones that just take gorgeous pictures of's the people that lay their lives down for their friends. 
  Besides, even if you get lots of fame and money..........that just ain't where real life is, it's in "family" - family being a lot more then just blood relatives. 
  I'm done with living in fear!
(besides probably the whole earth will just deem me as having a big imagination that I didn't have any visions at all about my future that were real - which is just fine world)
Mrs. Bailey's classrooms fundraiser is now fully funded 😁 But there are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donors Choose..............



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