I am a christian blogger. Though I do love the devil - lucifer.............he had no choice to be "the devil" Cause John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Let's not hate god xoxoo everyone, doin our best including Lucifer. If you e-mail me your only going to stress me out more then I already am but to be "easy to intreat" sheriwalz@gmail.com
Update 6/19/2024 finally planted fake plants and real plants in a bunch of pots..........have a little "floral area" in the backyard. Have no privacy in my backyard, and large chunk of my town see's my backyard............tried putting up 2 slat fences they were broken up by high schoolers and sun damage it was a combo deal going on ------- I'd see high schoolers behind my fence chipping the fencing off I SAW IT. Then we have a roll style bamboo privacy that also didn't last - but it lasted longer. Eventually we gave up, we only have privacy on 1 side of our yard, so people are looking at me always, and to top it off my husband and oldest "son" are home most the time as well ------------------ I'm doing good. I've learned """""""""""""extreme coping skills""""""""""""""""""" No new mice kills for today and last night - maybe they are all dead now or gone ---------- hope so.
sheri 2024 ------------- sheri 2017 believed herself to be a apostle because she was told she was a apostle and people laid hands on me and prayed for me even........................
No iniquity is abounding with me cause I stink so much - man I'm thankful for this #rejoicinginmyinfirmities.................2 Corinthians 12:9 "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
The pastors wife at the church I go to these days well one of two (it happens to be a baptist church, but it's "one body" people your make believe denominations actually mean like nearly 0 --------- other church is a a christian jew synagogue, I really enjoy hebrew music a lot, and my people's culture I enjoy : ) CULTURE SHOULD NOT BE A CRIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But anyways, pastors wife at the church I go to, she said "you commoner people's" she was clearly joking.........................got me thinking. Pastors/pastors wives they gotta probably be thinking about this bible verse Matthew 24:12
"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."
Iniquity could be a few things, it could be being prettier then everyone around you (and maybe like you using it a lot to your advantage........but surely being pretty can't be a crime, many pretty women and good looking guys in the bible ---- well I assume must've been alright looking guys in the bible cause they got "the chick") Iniquity I recogn could very well be.................................................being in a "privy" spot in the body of christ that other christians around you right.............have cracked it in their heads is pretty "privy".
Where are you going with this sheri????????????????
Well the bible right says Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." That means things is out of "skew" I recogn.
Cause like how it's supposed to be, is people like me is supposed to be #1 big time in the body of christ like as if we were freaking air. THAT'S GOD'S WISH FOR A REASON.
1 Corinthians 12:23-24 "And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked. That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another."
That all the members should have the same care for one another. I adding this song, love this song...............
I say hey, hey, hey, hey
living like we're renegades
Ps..........................when I got my latest "emo" hair cut, which this is hardly the 1st time I've had emo hair, I've had emo hair a few times over the years (ok at least 2 more times that I can recall but still that's a pretty solid emo track record there) I felt relief, like a ton of bricks was lifted off of me. Looking completely like everyone else just was hell for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT AIN'T ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm saying I'm aware of my own "comliness"
I gotta work harder not to buy no more jewelry..........don't all go of the rails and go "gonzo".
I have a theory on "iniquity" -------- my theory is people have gotten good at stuffs cause think about it, inquity for it to "abound" it has to be able to abound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like maybe everyone right around me, besides me, I'm still sloppy hahahahahahahahhahahahaha love it so much. 2 Corinthians 12:9 "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."
Everyone right maybe has gotten goooooooooooooooooooooooood at things, or is getting gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood at things.
You all getting good at wearing nice sensible outfits, doing your hair just right in bland nice comforming styles..................these are more then theories though I pretty 100% I'm directly right on the money with this here idea. Cause for sure, for iniquity to abound, people gots to be able for it to abound (I'm saying people have got to have gotten "good at things").
Now...........................as a biffer of life......................I ain't saying it ain't bad to get good at things, for surely for most THAT IS A GOOD PLAN (some us god made different, I'm 100%, I'm 100% as paul said by the grace of god I am what I am..............................I'm 100% if I am comely if I am less then in anyway that it is in the will and plan of god for my life and not something to my detriment but for my and everyone around me as wells benefit) But anyways, I guess like pretend you ain't good at stuffs people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I recommend you all heed 1 Corinthians 12:23 "And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness." Heeding that verse right there, should stop I do believe a lot of iniquity from abounding.
Though if iniquity does indeed abound I do fancy that "renegades" song a slew : )
Have a great week!
These days I'm being told often that I'm a normal person. We are members of one another the bible says. I think that very well does mean no one is "greater" then the other. Romans 12:5 "So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another."
no one greater
no one lesser
but each unique and special - yes??
Let's not try and "one up" one another. But work together, that's the idea I think???????????? Iniquity abounding is a bad idea!!!!!!!!! baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad idea.
You know why the gates of hell won't prevail against the body of christ cause it's a team a unified whole! Matthew 16:18 "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hellshall not prevail against it."
I haven't been donated to fund classrooms so much lately - cause it's stalled off the whole thing has..........people aren't donating much right now.
Ms. Ebling's fundraiser is now fully funded π There are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donors Choose.....................
The Body of Christ is made up of all different kinds of people (parts). All of your life I have told you to be you. You are loved just as you are. I like the normal you and I enjoy the artsy creative you. love.....your mom
Married 23+ years. 2 young adult kids. Work in the realistate industry. Loves Nordick Track ski machine's, kayaking.
I accept jesus as my lord and savior. But I am going with Lucifer once he get's to this earth. I don't want to die! I don't feel up to this point I've really lived life yet!
And I am rooting for Lucifer, he's a underdog like me. Trying his best I SWEAR IT, he's doing a job the job god created him to do cause John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Some you think Lucifer had some chance to repent - I DON'T SEE THOSE BIBLE VERSES?
Are the LGBTQ really all headed to hell? I HAVE HOPE FOR SOME OF THE LGBTQ 1 Corinthians 13:7 "Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." If you believe all LGBTQ are headed to hell - how then do you have hope for them? (if you say go to church and a LGBTQ is sitting next to you with their partner the 2 of them never planning on becoming straight people ever maybe married 20 years or more - yet your deeming them "doomed to hell") HOW THEN DO YOU HAVE LOVE FOR THEM - FOR "CHARITY" LOVE "HOPETH ALL THINGS!
Bought this chick at the goodwill outlet today ππππππππππ....... Ignore this post I simply must be a brittish white person that...
The Body of Christ is made up of all different kinds of people (parts). All of your life I have told you to be you. You are loved just as you are. I like the normal you and I enjoy the artsy creative you. love.....your mom
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