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Sunday, January 5, 2025

It's not my problem but Amber Baker needs prayer (besides that she is the one that puts together family get togethers, which has left me basically kicked out mostly of the family for years), she is cursed bad cause I believe in the eye's of god, she cursed me and my family when she at the age of 18 sued my dad for back child support payments, (according to my mom - my dad was married to his ex-wife Jolene up to the point where amber was 3 years old) I heard jolene cheated on my dad that's what I heard and that amber might not be his............amber is a white swedish chick well I saw one of her generic dna tests and it said 97% finland. Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."...............If you do something to leave a family poor for years like that that is like you cursing them it all hinges off the thought though that she might not be my dad's kid and she don't look like a jew at allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll and I saw 1 of her 2 generic dna test results............I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES..........................

Update 1/6/2025 I'm having a hard time figuring out just all that happened with my dad and jolene. Just e-mailed this to my family to try and further "clarify" and piece things together.....................

I'm pry kicked out of my family forever now - yep

I don't think having brains and using them is actually allowed in my family

but I am unable to shut my brains off like the rest of my family has for their entire lives like that

I'm a thinker..................I like to get to the truth and know the truth

I'm 100 billion million % amber ain't related to me, cause I saw her generic dna test results THERE IS NO WAY AND SHE DON'T LOOK LIKE ME no she don't

and she didn't look like me when I was little 

or look like my dad at all - cause my dad ain't that white he ain't he aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin't

 My super model sister called me "sher bear" for years sher the b word is what she meant with that phrase - oh in family e-mails. 

constantly my family is potentially trying to portray me as a merciless b word

that I still have questions about a time when I wasn't even born so makes sense I'd need clarification - this whole time my dad's believed himself to be a full out white man and amber is his daughter it do look to be. (even though that isn't what grandpa told me, or matching up with the picture of a very jew looking great grandpa I saw a few pics and my full blooded native american great grandma I SAW THE PICS HANGING ON GRANPA'S WALL WITH MY OWN EYES. Granted I was in some area of grandpa's house I wasn't supposed to be in, I'm a is what it is, I've always been a snoop...................

snoop and b word aren't the same things

snoops get to the truth

either amber is my sister or she's not it's 

if she ain't 


MERCY.............COOL COOL still not a crime to ponder that a person might be permanently cursed out of their eyeballs aka amber and her family for probably all of eternity cause I don't know how amber could ever get out of that????????????????????

 It's not my problem but Amber Baker needs prayer (besides that she is the one that puts together family get togethers, which has left me basically kicked out mostly of the family for years), she is cursed bad cause I believe in the eye's of god, she cursed me and my family when she at the age of 18 sued my dad for back child support payments, (according to my mom - my dad was married to his ex-wife Jolene up to the point where amber was 3 years old) I heard jolene cheated on my dad that's what I heard and that amber might not be his............amber is a  white swedish chick well I saw one of her generic dna tests and it said 97% finland. Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."...............If you do something to leave a family poor for years like that that is like you cursing them it all hinges off the thought though that she might not be my dad's kid and she don't look like a jew at allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll and I saw 1 of her 2 generic dna test results............I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES..........................

pic of her with Ian very white blonde chick on the right
bryan is her husband's name
brian very common name....................
what I know
her daughter got pregnant with a 2nd baby who knows if that pregnancy is going well I haven't heard anything about that pregnancy so I'm guessing she miscarried. 
her 2 sons 
like 1 had a girlfriend for awhile or that's what I heard
but they both mostly single
dating nobody ever
growwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn older half black guys oldddddddddddddddder
they should've gotten wives by now 
they wifeless
bad things have happened to ambers family
I honest believe when she sued my dad for back child support payments
and she won
and my dad had to pay such high amounts of money 
me and my brother and sister were very poor
my dad always made sure there was food in the fridge 
until I became the school bully at laveen elementary I was laughed at often for my clothing
I was very fortunate to have some mega christian friends
they were probably to good of friends for me to even deserve having ok
I admit it
they gave me some of them their hand me downs
so I ended up looking good enough
and I was only the school bully thank god for a little moment
thank god I quitted that
but back to amber
I think god cursed her and her family so damn bad


And they ain't the only ones god has for sure cursed very badly
because after college
the last of my native american aunts and uncles that lived at the actual like native american family like base house - died
well grandpa wasn't feeling well enough to go to court and a native america lady not even related to us tried to get this house because she claimed she was more native american then us
I wasn't allowed to go to court and contest this itemizer observer newspaper (also pry cursed by god) wouldn't let me go to court that day
so we lost that house

now that native american lady pry a jew
pry tribe of gad
but she never saw me
and I'm very likely more jew then her
cause I believe my grandpa I'm rubenstein family as well 
and many times more native american then what my grandpa is (that native american lady only saw physically my grandpa) 
not only is that lady whoever she is in eugene oregon cursed
her families cursed
her families families are cursed
Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
People sometimes out there maybe don't think god is telling the truth in his word. 

GOD AIN'T NO LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I myself both believe god and fear Him so much "healthy fear" that I donate to the jews everyday
I likely am 5-6-7 times over a jew since how my grandma was also native american A FEW TRIBES (and native american's many theorize are of the tribe of gad - I BELIEVE THAT) 
I believe when amber was having me over to family get togethers ------- that she was getting some "blessings" from god. 
but now that I'm not invited to family get togethers and haven't been for a few years now, I believe the blessings from god have left her and her family baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

fear god that's my advice!

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.


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