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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

A way to love god (or allah for the muslims that could be reading this) IS TO even dress in a way that is pleasing to him........................we should not be "our own" if we are god's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......................

  (include above video in this post because I was protected by a muslim one day..............I've seen nice muslim guys out there..................are the bad abusive muslim men out there probably but I don't believe it is because women are dressing modest at all. There are stinky guys a bit everywhere I believe, BUT ALSO SOME VERY VERY NICE GUYS THAT WANT TO PROTECT WOMEN)
A way to love god (or allah for the muslims that could be reading this) IS TO even dress in a way that is pleasing to him........................we should not be "our own" if we are god's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got allllllllllllllll fired up today and last night, over a muslim girl/lady that posted up a you tube video (keeping this persons identity hidden cause that is politer..............there is times I can put someone's identity out there because it isn't a issue that effects their soul or their uhhhhhhhhh reptutation or probably not................but it is better I make more a effort like this not to out people I'm determined to be a "better person" all around like this) Anyways, this girl/lady posted up a you tube video about how us non muslim feminists aren't caring about the muslim women who don't have good experiences with the hijab....................I went a polite way....................
sheri 11 hours ago.............
You can do what you want.........................but it's false that people that are pro-hijab aren't feminists. From my viewpoint, many women out there are often posting up naked photo's of themselves on instagram (I see it happen near everyday, by some of the women I follow) or underwear pics also very popular on instagram. All those naked pictures, really cheapen women in my estimation. I know that these very same women believe they are not demeaning themselves and that they are upping their lot in life and how people view them...............(how they got that idea in their heads?????????????????). If you are a real feminist, a real real true feminists, you are going to care about the lot of women everywhere. THAT WOMEN ARE ABUSED HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE HIJAB...........................I guarantee it...................(unless we are talking about them removing the hijab, and wanting to dress like hoars ---- I don't think women should be beaten or killed for removing their hijabs or dressing like hoars............but the hijab itself is not the reason for the mistreatment they are experiencing). It could be their men stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As simple as that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's not blame modest attire..........................modest attire does not make does not force men to beat women......................that is ridiculous to even suggest such a thing. --------------------- and this idea of "oppression" not wearing a hijab, is only "oppresion" for the women that want to dress like hoars!
At that point I wasn't done next day.......................
sheri 37 minutes ago..................
And ok, there are women right that love to dress like hoars ok I've seen them, I've seen these women that take their hijab off and wear such skimpy clothing (not all of them, but a great many of them the bulk of them that is what they do from everything I've seen on you tube)............the solution isn't make all us modest women dress like hoars as well --------- what kind of solution is that??????????? Which is what I feel some of you people that are so convinced wearing hijab is oppression......................I feel it is your goal in life to "free" all the hijabee us to dress like hoars so that we are free. The real solution is to go move to rio de janero, or miami florida where many of the women are dressed very very scantily (if there are men there to marry, fine you get men the kinds that like the super skimpy clothing look which I don't think thems often "keepers", or maybe you find some skimpy clothed girl you fall in love with?...........which is a sin but I am saying you want to live skimpy.......I love gays and lesbians I ain't god god's ways isn't my ways!!!!! Isaiah 55:8................go live skimpy where the skimpy people live). Cause the muslim guys they most em like their womens clothed........................the muslim countries ain't rio de janero or miami need to move to rio de janero or miami florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not try and force women to remove their hijabs............cause you don't want to dress like a slut alone in your country and get jailed and beaten daily pry. ----------------------------- I can go at things from a more muslim viewpoint, from the spiritual side of things.........................IT ISN'T JUST CLOTHING...................using a christian bible verse but I'm rather muslim about my beliefs in many ways..................Romans 12:1 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." YOU RIGHT MAY NOT BELIEVE IN GOD AT ALL (maybe you do, and you just might not be that devout of a muslim) but are our bodies to be our own, to do whatever we want with them, to wear whatever we would like??????????? NO. There is no prostitute attire that is a "holy, acceptable unto god..............." uh look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What would god/allah want us to dress like HARLOTS LIKE PROSTITUTES FOR???????????????????? SURELY ALLAH/GOD WOULDN'T WANT US TO DRESS LIKE HARLOTS/PROSTITUTES!
Still not done but felt this was a "2 parter"
Sheri I don't recall how many minutes ago..........
And further if I tell you "oh go ahead girl wear prostitute super tight clothing that shows lot's of skin and take naked or in your underwear photo's of yourself and put them all over the internet" ----------- that right is your idea of me being a feminist then and caring HOW ON EARTH WOULD THAT BE ME CARING ABOUT YOU?????????????????????????????????????????? No caring about you is me saying to you.............girl respect yourself even if you ain't going to respect god cause maybe you hate him or don't believe in him. RESPECT YOURSELF................that is me caring about you. If muslim men is being mean to you............leave them. And if you are dressing like a hooker leave the muslim country to to miami florida, or rio de janero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't stay living at a place where you are probably going to get jailed and/or beaten daily cause you like to dress like a hoar, don't stay living there!!!! That is my caring. ------------------------------------- I don't understand you idea of what a caring girl would look like aka "please sister dress like a hoar all the time and demean yourself daily" I can't even comprehend that idea, that concept of "Caring" for someone. NO RESPECT YOURSELF DRESS MODEST!
This person on the internet fired me up!
These more "modern" women let's call them that for a minute be a bit more polite....................they'll throw this sort of bible verse back some of them................Hebrews 10:6 "In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure." But I reply drum roll.........................Mark 12:33 "And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices."
  If you are going to love god right "with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength" ------------- Is that not going to be reflected SOMEHOW in how you dress??????????????
  My super mega fired up self believe's it will, NOT JUST FOR WOMEN FOR MEN TO!
   Your whole body offered up to god as a living sacrifice --------------- IS YOUR WHOLE BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Romans 12:1 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."
 God/Allah just pry hasn't reached the lady/girl that super fired me up on you tube yet so.
If you ain't gonna wrap that.............modest that ladies if you believe in god. 
Have a great day!
American Muslims


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