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Friday, June 6, 2008

Psalm 102:16 "WHEN the lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory."..............

Verse caught my eye reading my bible last night psalm 102:16 "When the lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory." verse 17 was comforting to me to 17 "He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer." Smith's friends view their church right as THE body of christ on earth, but so far I think they've just built a bunch of buildings I don't think their international leader Kare Smith can build the body of christ though he can try, but I really believe it is jesus himself that is going to build up "the church" whereever or whatever demonimations that may be? psalm 102:16 "When the lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory." Doesn't say when brother kare builds up zion no it's "when the Lord shall build up zion"!!!! The bible says we (us christians) are in the light and the day will not come to us in the light as a theif I believe that's how it's going to go jesus is going to build up Zion, build up the church the body of christ, jesus christ himself I believe is going to, and when he does that "he shall appear in his glory". A going theory I have anyways : ) I just don't see how a human could build up the body of christ, I very much recogn it's going to be jesus that does that that builds up Zion. I think the harvest will be ready, before jesus's return, the harvest will be ready to all gleen or whatever, I believe the body of christ is going to be built up!!!!! I definately don't think my blog is a waiste of time there is a Zion, to be built, there is a audience I have to reach that is going to live for jesus with all their hearts and mind and strength. Last night at my daughters school they had a reading fair, even my 3 year old got cookies and punch and got free books, my kids got to play board games, and make clifford the big red dog magnets, and we read books and they had a bookwalk my 3 year old got to do that to even. My child's school is like a public school right, but it is sooooooooo christian, I was feeling christ there at my childs bookfair like for reals (they even played that christian song I got peace like a river, I got joy like a fountain, I got peace like a river in my soul at the book walk) I left feeling super loved on by some christians last night it was nice! I believe that sort of stuff is going to become more common, that Zion is going to be built up! That as the days get darker and darker that christians are going to shine all the more, and want to do more good. I'm hopeful, I'm hopeful, I believe jesus going to make it happen. If they days get darker it's going to work for our good......Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." It's good that my daughter goes to a school filled w/such sold out for jesus christians, they give me much good stuffs to think upon. So it's not all doom and gloom on this earth that's the good news I have to bring : ) And jesus is for sure for sure good news!
Luke 6:27 "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,"............................


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