Update 9/13/2023 this is my "tacky villian era" in those of COURSE YOU GOTS TO LOVE LUCIFER AND DONATE MONEY TO CHARITIES NEAR EVERYDAY ------ DUH. (being serious) Volunteered at the foodbank again................................
foodbank totes behind me
table I was working at is empty cause I took this pic between packaging various items
(we did cucumbers and cabbage, and frozen goods today)
I was glad to see that this foodbank also has high end foods.
Sheri 2023 agree's with sheri 2014 "good things are worth fighting for" ------- plot twist at times ones ideas of "what's good" could be a little.........................🙃
My wheatgrass growin don't it look nice????????..................
ppps............my Tacky Villian era will go on forever, forever I love God/Jesus and LUCIFER 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 My donating to charities every smack day momentum probably will die down eventually though.
I have frustration at the moment, people trying to challenge a churches 100's of years old "don't wear wedding rings" tradition as my husband told me, they are going to find themselves maybe "ganged up upon" (or maybe just even feeling that way) going to pry hit a bit of "friction" anyways. But my husband says that doesn't mean that standing up for what you believe is right, isn't worth it.
Right now a few people at the apostolic christian church of america are telling me, either don't wear a wedding ring, or leave the church cause you are doomed. My husband reminded me the elder of the church said the wedding ring thing "wasn't" a issue. My husband believes that right now the church is "weary" of "splits" there have been large splits in the apostolic christian church of america few of them. That the elders of the church some them if not all of them are viewing their church as a "fish tank", my husband says that if you add lots of new fresh water into a fish tank the fish will die of shock, that instead the elders of the church are likely going to "choose" to allow a few wedding ring wearers in as memberrs of the church, one by one, slow like, so that even the people that would of otherwise "adamantly" disagree'd and broke off and made their own church will instead stick around.......................................................
My parents are currently mega proud of me for standing up for what I believe is right : ) My husband believe's that the people in the apostolic christian church of america that are telling me, don't wear a wedding ring or give up your doomed, that they are trying to be "helpful" in their minds, past blog post all that stuffs said by people in the churches replies THEY ALL BELIEVED THEY WERE BEING HELPFUL like fully I'm saying in their minds.
Telling me don't wear a wedding ring or you are doomed - is actually "helpful" words from members of the apostolic christian church of america to me at this juncture in time. Are those words actually in reality "helping me" no cause I'm frustrated anybody in my shoes would be frustrated...............but in their minds they are actually helping me and coming from a "good place" in their heads and hearts, that is what my husband helped me understand today.
I'm like Martin luther king jr. right now (not anywhere near as great as martin luther king jr - martin luther king jr. if I was face to face to him right now, I believe he'd tell me to stand up for what I believe is right). I LOVE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. AND HAPPEN TO LOOK UP TO HIM A SLEW.
amen martin luther king jr.
for martin luther when he was speaking he could see the "promised land" he said in above video he wasn't even sure he'd get there BUT HE SO DEEMED FREEDOM WORTH FIGHTING FOR. In this instance concerning the wedding ring issue - the fight is pry for equality.
That there never be's segregation at the church of the wedding ring wearers from the non-wedding ring wearers.
(Martin luthers speech above inspired me a slew)
Just to clarify my position a bit. I believe that many of the people commenting on my wife's blog posts are, in their own way, trying to help. However, the way in which they are going about it is not always the best way. Everyone is different and responds to thing differently. I believe that a lot of the "help" being offered to my wife is of the "tough love" variety. While that my work for some people, it doesn't work for everyone. It appears people are trying to say "it may be an issue down the line, so make a decision now so you don't waste your time." I can understand the argument, but I feel it is misguided. Especially since becoming a member of this church is, itself, a journey. Who Sheri is at the end of the journey will most likely be different in some ways to who she is now. And, since we all touch and affect those around us, others will be different to. It is too easy to discourage, to tell people the struggle isn't worth it. But the struggle is what makes us stronger in the long run.
We all struggle. Most of us keep the struggle to ourselves. My wife puts it out there for the whole world to see. The things she posts on her blog are things, in one shape or form, we all deal with. (Acceptance, conformity, what society expects from us, how others see us, how we present ourselves tot he world, etc...) The difference is that most of us keep it to ourselves. The outrageous ideas and weird thoughts that we all get, she puts them to page while we dismiss them and don't share. It can be uncomfortable for some people to read, but I guarantee that if all of us were to write down the things that pop in to our heads throughout the day in the same way as Sheri, there would be things that would make others uncomfortable as well.
We are all flawed and we all struggle. The world would be a much better place if we all supported each other and tried to encourage people and help them with their struggles instead of trying to get them to give up if what they are struggling against isn't the same thing we are struggling against. (And, often, simply asking them if it is worth it is the same as suggesting they give up.)
Also, if anyone ever wants to e-mail me directly about something I have said in one of my comments, my e-mail is brianwalz@gmail.com and I will reply to you.
Sheri, I certainly wouldn't say that you are doomed if you wear a wedding ring! I know plenty of Christians who do. Pray about it and really search out God's will for you. Who knows...it could be that for you, the right thing IS to wear a wedding ring. However, it would be best not to expect everyone to agree with your decision. I really don't see the church leaders making a major change like this any time soon, which is why I've told you that we aren't the only church that has the truth (I mean in a salvation sense, not in a jewelry/makeup/skirts sense). Pray, pray, pray for God's direction. Perhaps he will direct you to become a part of another church. EG
Uh prayed already, god is like really wanting me to stay at the apostolic christian church of america!!!!!!!!!!! But uh.............I am going to my friend jessica's church next month (very similiar type of church) I'm at peace with god and man! I've found it! I know............Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." I'm convinced comlpetely all things right now are working together for my good and will continue to long as I do all I can to deny myself take up my cross and follow jesus daily I'M CONVINCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---------- don't mean I won't have struggles, maybe entire roadblocks that I may never cross. But everything EVERYTHING...............that happens, is happening in my life, I fully believe is the will of god, AND IS WORKING ACTIVELY FOR MY GOOD! I am MORE THEN A CONQUEROR IN CHRIST JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Romans 8:37 "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."
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