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Saturday, August 13, 2011

So I found out this last sunday that the apostolic christian church of america doesn't have sunday school in the summer for the kids! Which is a problem for me...............

 Update 9/23/2024 moved some origami stars into this globe I bought at the dollar tree, and am now putting different stars in the larger globe (these things can happen with this hobby ahahhahahahahah 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓)
and I completely lost some of my star paper
I have no clue where some of it went???????????
This globe is by my internet router, my internet router is on a shelf. I'm totally probably going to buy more these globes at the dollar tree...........$1.25 you can't beat that!!!!!!!!!!!!! You fill them with origami stars it's so nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - even better in real life then in this pic. 
look the apostolic christian church of america of course they don't have sunday school for their kids in the summer. Their children are perfect without sin, like their parents are.......they never need church ever, it's all "for show" anyways.
  This isn't me complaining in the year 2011 below, this is me caring about my kids salvations, I can't be actually deemed the "b-word" for either caring for my kids salvations or the salvation of the Apostolic Christian church of america themselves, who still have at least 1 "commandment of men" the whole don't wear jewelry one is still going strong.
  But I know now why I understand they are soooooooooooooooooooooooo perfect, that they need to make being perfect hard for themselves, wear like 3 shades of mute colors.............have only like 10 outfits at any given time etc. (I see you Apostolic Christian Church of America 👀)
I know though the hate for me (don't appear to be love) and witch hunt of me, will never proceed read what I wrote in the year 2011...................................
So I found out this last sunday that the apostolic christian church of america doesn't have sunday school in the summer for the kids! Which is a problem for kids freaking they have the internet, where they watch lots of lady ga ga video's thinking she's so cool, and miley cyrus (I'm not fan of miley cyrus, not really, really I don't like my kids watching kesha video's either) all this garbage online they can watch ------------ they need church!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (they watch this "annoying orange" you tube video's online ---------- one the video's I told my youngest no way you can't watch that - it was just to violent I don't care if it's fruit being hacked up!) My kids just can't go on a spiritual annarchy all summer that wouldn't be good! So I'm taking them to (another church entirely name edited out) tonight, "name edited out church" has sunday school all year round for the kids -------- most churches do like every other church besides the apostolic christian church of america has sunday school all year round and most churches have vbs in attention not only keep up the momentum over the summer add to with vbs - which I think vbs is fab! I went to it as a kid had a great time -------- made this wooden goose that held sissors for the beak, and spools around it's body still have it somewhere in the garage I went to 1 cool vbs as a kid! like a few summers I went to it : )
  Even for the apostolic christian kids I don't see how no sunday school in the summer is a good idea???????? Granted they don't maybe look online at 0 and live in needs sunday school don't they??????? Well my kids do.
  There's like 0% way my kids are going the whole summer without sunday school 0%. I'm of the camp even if kids end up becoming rebels someday - in the long run they will be better off for having gone to sunday school as kids because they will have that moral foundation somewhere in the back of their minds to like go back to someday when like sense comes to their heads! Have a great day earth : )
Mrs. Smith's classrooms fundraiser is now fully funded 😁 But there are many more classrooms with many more needs at Donors Choose....................


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