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Monday, July 18, 2011

The holy kiss may be all biblical n'stuff but I ain't doin it, no way there is herpies out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apostolic Christian Church of America THERE IS HERPIES OUT THERE IN THIS WORLD!..........................

  Blessed Be Apostolic Christian Church of America 
may Jesus Christ our Lord accept your repentances 
and usher you into his beloved and may you dwell in green pastures for all the days of your lives. 
I know my lips look luscious and all but NO CAN KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahah 
Apostolic christian church of america 1 in 6 people have herpies the odds isn't in your favour!
Because I love the Apostolic christian church of America so much 1 John 3:18 "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."
I quote the above website ------- 
"90% of the US population will carry the virus by the time they reach age 50" - YIKES
"Most people that carry the HSV-1 virus contracted it in their childhood by something as innocuous as a kiss from a relative of friend." ---------- YEP 1 KISS WILL DO IT FOLKS AND THEN YOUR STUCK WITH COLD SORES --------------- FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!
read this link to apostolic christians that are kissing happy........
you need to know the symptoms for when you get herpies........................
The holy kiss may be all biblical n'stuff but I ain't doin it, no way there is herpies out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apostolic Christian Church of America THERE IS HERPIES OUT THERE IN THIS WORLD!..........................
All the brethren greet you. Greet ye one another with an holy kiss. 
Romans 16:16
Salute one another with an holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.
2 Corinthians 13:12
Greet one another with an holy kiss. 
1 Thessalonians 5:26
Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.
1 Peter 5:14
Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.
   ------------------- a year 2013 edit to this here post........................I don't want to holy kiss nobody ok still BUT if you love each other so much you feel the need to kiss one another - FINE. It is a tradition that is very biblical...............not my thing................but I give the holy kiss a thumbs up I AIN'T DOIN IT BUT I GIVE IT A THUMBS UP.
  If a sister or brother wants to holy cheek kiss me......................feel free. If I was to of gotten holy kissed, thank god nobody ever holy kissed me --------- pry would've promtely ran to the bathroom and tried desperately to soap my lips........not that I'm sure that would work - pry wouldn't 1 kiss from someone with "oral herpies" THAT'S IT COLD SORE CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also added yet another blog post on this topic having decided the holy kiss is a thing that is good and needs to continue - I'm like convinced -


Anonymous said...

Please post how it goes on Sunday. I wonder what they will think after reading this. I would hope they won't have their feelings hurt. They are great people and must have some reason for this behavior. Connie would be one to email for advise and education on why this is happening. Hopefully, she can make some sense out of the behavior. You know above most the hearts of the congregation; about as pure is pure.

Giving it to god said...

none them pry read this. Besides I'm just trying to save them from herpies! They know me, they no be surprised at all, every sunday is awkward to me, this sunday will be awkward like the last sunday and the sunday before that etc. nothing will change. I actually get a bit stressed out at their lunch time, cause I sit by different people everytime and I don't know ok is this group going to glare at me etc. how's it going to go? They often talk about people I don't know, it's super ruff for me every sunday super ruff --------- that won't change. Heck that wouldn't change even if I became a full out member........such a huge church........I'm completely out of the loop........even in the loop some I couldn't catch up! Real hard for me every sunday, this is how much I want my husband saved.

Giving it to god said...

ya I totally didn't stop the apostolic christian church of america kissing spree! (though I suspect I did..........but they still gotta kiss each other for like a few more weeks, make it look like I didn't win) WINNING : )

Anonymous said...

Which AC church you go to?

Giving it to god said...

I go to the apostolic christian church of america in portland oregon..............they usually only do the holy kiss before church, like it'll all be normal before church as normal as brothers standing on one side of the room and sisters the other, and then all the sudden they all start kissing each other (guys kissing guys, girls kissing the girls) ------------ I only get to church early wednesday nights and witness this kiss fest --------- well least wednesday nights are entertaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhaha I think the silverton church also is mega big on the holy kiss and also before church the guys are lined up one side the sisters the other..........I hardly go to silverton and haven't witnessed the kiss fest there but I'm sure it happens! -------- and one sunday at lunch time a sister asked a sister if she could holy kiss her like while we were eating, and so they kissed like smack in front of me. If only they did this while the service was going on I'd stay awake hahahahahahhahaha : )

Giving it to god said...

they know not to kiss me or so I hope. I don't want to kiss nobody! Besides my husband! (if just one them goes and be's unfaithful to their spouse, and get's herpes the kind that spreads via kissing THEY'LL ALL END UP WITH HERPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) -------- and to be 100% honest I'm straight, I don't want to kiss no women! And even if I wasn't straight, like there ain't no hot womens at just don't hit me as a good idea to kiss anybody but my husband!

Giving it to god said...
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